Have You Met… The Quad Goose?

Have you met the Quad Goose? Yes, the Quad Goose…Spend the next few minutes getting to know them a little better.

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Have you met the Quad Goose? Yes, the Quad Goose…Spend the next few minutes getting to know them a little better.

Where is your favourite place on campus?

Wouldn’t it be weird if I said any place other than Quad? But really, the clue’s in my name…

Tablet or paper?

Beaks don’t really work on touch screens, so…

Name one thing you’ve brought to work from home.

I’d really rather talk about what you brought from home… I’d like a bite of your lunch.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?


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If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Given that I have all the airfare I’ll ever need, I’d rather go on a road trip. So I’m driving to Wawa, Ontario.

You can invite anyone — alive or dead, real or fictional — to dinner. Who would it be?

Mother. She’d have an endless supply of tales to tell.

If you could switch jobs with someone else on campus for a week, what would you do?

An international recruiter with UAI — I like the familiarity of traveling back and forth between distant places.

What does “uplifting the whole people” mean to you?

The way I see it, the people of the university carry out the challenging work that can be adopted and adapted by the broader community as we all move together toward a better future. It’s like we’re at the front of the v-formation of society — we’re all in this together, and the work done at the university makes it easier for the broader community to move forward.

If you could solve any problem in the world, what would it be?

No one should go hungry.

What 3 words best describe your U of A experience?

Keeps coming back.

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A one time Twitter star, an annual resident of Quad, and a goose, the Quad Goose is just that, a goose. Or a gander. Don’t get close enough to find out. And don’t feed the goose — things could get aggressive.

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Image courtesy of NeoGAF.

The above interview has been edited for length and clarity… otherwise every answer would have been “honk, honk, honk.”