University to deal with additional operational funding through standard variance process in the…

Today (May 11), the Board of Governors met for the first time since the tabling of the provincial budget and the confirmation of a 2%…

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Today (May 11), the Board of Governors met for the first time since the tabling of the provincial budget and the confirmation of a 2% increase to the Campus Alberta grant and tuition backfill funding, and discussed the approach the university will use to allocate “these welcome and much appreciated additional operating funds,” said University of Alberta Board Chair, Michael Phair.

Once the University receives its formal funding letter from the Ministry of Advanced Education, which includes details of all allocations, the University will employ its usual practice when there is a positive variance between the university’s approved budget and the provincial budget to use increases for one-time investments in the current budget year. The additional 2018–19 funding will then be rolled into base budget in the next budget cycle.

The one-time investments will support the student learning environment and advance research priorities. For example, to minimize disruption for students and staff and maintain the quality of programs, one-time funds could be used to help faculties and units with transition costs associated with restructuring or redeveloping programs. One-time funds could also be invested in technological improvements to the learning experience, continued development of signature areas, or other For the Public Good priorities, such as experiential learning and Indigenous initiatives.